Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I am so glad we have pinterest for times in need!!
Or want...
Or when you are bored...
Or when you should be working...

Because I am seriously LOVING all of this inspiration.

Even if it doesn't have to do with some of the stuff I should be planning right now..
*blessing. pictures. easter.*

Anyway, lets check out what I've had my eye on...

Organized AND cute? Yes please.
I'll be making one of these little stations this week.
I am horrible with organizing our paperwork and I'm really sick of having to go to the SS office and the health department every time I need a birth certificate or something for our family...

mineral baths, Tuscany, Italy
Looks amazing!

Ahh love this for spring decor.
Tutorial over at The Shabby Creek Cottage
Campfire Cinnamon Rolls
SO looking forward to camping!

1 comment:

  1. You know those expandable file folder things?? (Text me if you dont I will send you a pic of mine lol) but anyway, when Chloe was in the NICU and we were getting printouts everyday of her progress etc. I got one of those (for both girls actually) to put all of her papers in. Now we all have one, and I keep everything important in them. SS Cards, Birth Cert., Shot Records.. everything! They are all diff colors so I know whose is whose. I love it!
