Thursday, May 16, 2013

Road Trippin'

I'm packing up our car tonight so I am ready to head out 
after work tomorrow.
Where am I going?

Call me crazy but I am taking all three kids with me to see one of my dear friends.
I can hardly wait to spend the weekend with her and her cute kids!

I am quite nervous for the 3+ hour drive though. 
I am trying to figure out the most peaceful way to travel with a
6 year old, 2 year old, and 7 month old.
Pack snacks? 
Make sandwiches?
Bring drinks?
Coloring books?
Portable DVD player?

I've heard tips for packing personal snack bags. That will be a definite for me.
My kids will fight over EVERYTHING.

If you have any tips, throw them at me...

1 comment:

  1. For the drive up here we gave Calee a cookie sheet with magnets that she LOVED. A mini clipboard with a notepad and mini crayons to color. At the dollar store they have little notepads for painting, you just dip a q-tip in water to paint, and that was her fav. Plus NOT messy so it's nice! Then of course, snacks! Girl.. 3 hours will be a breeze! Trust me! ;)
