Thursday, February 6, 2014


I have a LOT of things that I tend to keep to myself.
For what reasons? Because people love a show.
I have very few people in my life who really actually care if I am succeeding or failing.

Well, truth be told, I am succeeding.
I am going through one of the hardest, most challenging times in my life.
But I am moving forward and I will not let a single thing get me down.

What's bothering me lately? 
The fact that you really cannot trust a single individual other than your own self.
That is fine with me. 
I've always done better thinking for myself. Figuring things out for myself.
Is it hard? Hell yes it is.

What else is bothering me lately?
The fact that I have a million responsibilities piled on me lately.
Things that were my responsibilities in the past, but I was lucky enough to share those with someone else.
How helpful that has been for the past 2 years :)
I will never take that for granted again...
Luckily, this is almost over but that does not make it any more easy for me right now.
I was trying to pretend I was on top of taking the garbage cans out to the road last night but when I remembered, I was already in my PJ's, cuddled up to my little big dude. So I told myself I'd take them out early this morning when I got up for work. Well, the garbage truck woke me up.. and he was gone. 
Looks like I'll be stacking bags next to the garbage can for the next week.
One of the perks of moving to a new area.. different schedules! ;)

What else is bothering me?
Actually, this has bothered me for a very long time.
With many different people, including myself.

Have you ever heard that quote--

 "If you don't like the road you're walking,
 start paving another one."

I saw that quote and it totally fit the situations I am dealing with.
People complain about their lives. 
How hard things are.
How it isn't fair.
How they never imagined they'd be where they are.
How they want to do things to better their lives-- Go to school, get a job, eat healthier, start exercising, start writing, volunteer, quit smoking, quit drinking, go to church.
I could go on and on.

I know how hard change is!
You take one step towards your goal.. wow, that was easy! 
Aren't you excited?
You take another step.. Well, that was alright. Do you really have time for this though?
It's so much easier to do what you've always done. 
You don't have time to focus on changing your life.
You know what is best for yourself, you don't need other people trying to help you.
You have survived all of these years doing exactly what you've always done.
I mean, these first two times were cool but you really need to focus on getting the other little things done before you try doing anything big.

Do you know how sick I am of hearing things like this?
From myself, my family, friends?
I know how hard change is.
I struggle changing my life every day!
Change is NOT easy.
Not mentally or physically.
But if you have a thought that something needs changed,
don't you think it's there for a reason?
If you don't start changing things now... when will you ever?
When you're in deeper than you already are?
When things are even tougher?
When it's too late to change?

My sweet Daddy, he wanted to change his life so badly.
He did change his life!
He wanted to provide a wonderful life to his wife and kids.
But guess what? It was too late.
And we all suffered from that.
I bet he thought many times before that he "wanted" to change
but that it was just easier to keep doing what he was doing.
And when he finally gained the strength, how devastating it must have been to him for the doctor's to tell him that it was too late...

Is it going to be easy to sacrifice the things that have made you comfortable? Absolutely not.
Will it be worth it? Absolutely!

How will you ever be happy, satisfied, comfortable, grateful, or peaceful if you give up trying to change because it is difficult?
It doesn't only make me angry but it breaks my heart when I see my loved ones SO close to a beautiful chapter of their lives and they think that the end of the chapter they are in is too cold and dark so they turn around...

Please don't stop moving forward because it is hard.
There is so much beauty ahead of you.
Life is such a journey. It really is.
You can't stop and go backwards if you want to figure out the purpose in this life.
Keep pushing forward. Don't let the cold and dark days scare you.
There is always sunshine ahead. 
I always tell myself that one day is equal to a thousand to God.
When I feel that it is too hard and it is never going to end... that helps me.
For every choice you make there is a consequence.
Why not make those consequences wonderful for yourself?
Quit selling yourself short. 
Life is hard, but it is not as hard as we make it.
You can choose to conquer the world and be a successful human being in all that you do!

When you want to change something, 
please remember that ALL things are hard, 
but things are only as hard as you let them be.
People love a show.
Don't let the world see you quit.
Don't let the world scare you and make you feel like you can't live your dreams.
Keep going... don't let negative thoughts enter your determined mind.
It isn't easy, but it is so worth it.